Pt. Loma Prayer

Thursday, May 04, 2006

A guest poster!

Here is a post from one of the faithful prayer warriors...Melissa!

God has been doing some amazing stuff in my life right now and He’s stretching me more than ever. While I know it’s good, it’s hard. My roommate has been going through A LOT with her family and it’s hard to understand why her moods are all over the place and from that how I should be when I am part of her personal space. Basically I wish I could understand her but since I can’t, I feel like I’m doing something wrong sometimes. This gets me frustrated and upset with her at times, but I know in the back of my mind, the Lord keeps telling me to just love her. Boy is this hard to do when I really don’t want to! But somehow God has given me a sense of peace, contentment, and joy in the midst of things I really don’t want to go on. I have been learning about the love God has given me and how that deserves so much more than I will ever know, but I need to strive to show it and give when it hurts or when I receive nothing in return. That’s exactly what Christ did for us, and not just me, but everyone. I have also been stretched to just let others love me through being vulnerable and not focusing on how I appear as much as being who I am. I continue to struggle with this, but I know that the Lord wants to use that. Through prayer God has just called me as He has always been, to pray to Him for each and every concern I have for my world and the world of those around me whether or not I understand it all. I truly believe in the power of prayer in numbers, it takes us beyond our own minds and what we know because we learn from others through worshiping God together. Because we are all so unique and unlike anyone else we can learn and grow so much by listening to watching another’s relationship with the same Lord. Each time we pray I have seen the Lord working in me and in others through prayer since these 21 days has started and it’s so amazing. I didn’t expect much at first and didn’t have much of a reason to go other than that I am a follower of Christ and prayer is always a good thing to do and He never ceases to amaze me when I come into His presence.

I hope this is good, I mean it’s just what came to my mind and heart now about what’s been happening lately, summed up real short! Basically there are no huge happenings such as healing stories or changed persons I’ve seen, just God has changed my perspective on the life I’ve been in and it makes it seem like everything is new. Anyways, it’s hard to explain, but PRAISE GOD. Thanks Deanna for being so faithful in organizing this and placing your heart, mind, and time in God’s plan. I love seeing your smile, hearing your joy for God, and watching you bask in the beauty of God J it’s a blessing to my life…



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