Pt. Loma Prayer

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

The firstfruits are holy

Yeah! I figured out how to post another blog. I'm a little bit slow with technology sometimes. So today was Day 1 of 21 days of Noonhour prayer at Pt. Loma Nazarene. All weekend I was feeling a little uneasy/anxious/nervous about the whole thing and was trying to shake that. Last night the Lord reminded me that he had only asked me to "gather the people together" and that I didn't need to figure out the rest. I stood on that scripture from Numbers and also on Psalm 40:8 "I desire to do your will, O my God; you law is within my heart" as I drove back to Pt. Loma from home and found the peace again. Then I got to pray with a few awesome girls in the prayer chapel and I was greatly encouraged. I am so thankful for all the people the Lord has put in my life. Seriously, I am so blessed.
So one thing I was kind of stressing about was finding people to do worship. I had emailed a few guys and hadn't heard back from them and was a little worried. Well, I walk out of my dorm this morning and who is the first person I run across? Yep, one of the most anointed worshipers on campus who I had been trying to get in contact with. Thanks Lord. Oh yeah, and then my class/lab that was supposed to end at 12:30pm got out at 11:45! haha. I am in His hands and I need only stand still and see the salvation of the Lord!
Oh yes, I am really getting to prayer now. There were 8 girls today and we set it apart as a day of praise. It was so neat to pray in the middle of campus during lunch. I loved it! Water to my soul...Praise the Lord, he is very great.


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