Pt. Loma Prayer

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Day 9

Tim lead today and we prayed for purity, honesty and integrity. It was a good follow up to Monday which was more focused on sexual purity. This was purity of the heart, motives, speech, thoughts...ect. He is an anointed worshiper and it is always a blessing when he brings his guitar. In chapel Michael Pitts was saying how the sound of singing is healing. I love that. I felt like that today. That our worship was going up to God but was somehow bringing healing to our campus at the same time. I love praying with people who have such pure hearts. The Lord has gathered some amazing men and women of God to pray together and I know he has specifically choosen each one for such a time as this. I will sing to the Lord for he has been good to me. I called upon him and he answered me. He has delivered me from all my fears. Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the presence of my God forever.


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