Pt. Loma Prayer

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Day 5 and a 5k

In the midst of a two day conference track championship, I have had the pleasure to continue praying at the noonhour. Isn't that convenient that Pt. Loma is hosting the GSAC championships this year? Haha. These good works have been prepared for me since the foundation of the world.
Today there were two staff members that came and joined 4 of us in prayer. This was the first time that any non-students have shown up and it was powerful. Come on staff and faculty, I loose you to come pray! Like the donkey Jesus rode into Jerusalem on...the Lord has need of you. We prayed about holiness today and that Pt. Loma would be a city on a hill. I was convicted last night for living in this neighborhood (Pt. Loma/Ocean Beach) for 4 years and hardly caring about the salvation of all these people that surround our campus. So today I prayed that out.
This is not just about our campus, or our city. God is doing something all over the country. This last week UCLA has seen the gospel preached to hundreds, people getting saved all over the place, people getting healed and more. Read about this powerful move of God at UCLA on Jaeson Ma's blog. He is a college graduate, does a ton of campus ministry and is one of the key guys in the national prayer movements on college campuses.
And not only did I get to pray, but I had an awesome time running this weekend. I ran a 5k today and a 10k last night! This is my last year of track and it has been so sweet. The Lord blesses me so much. I will run in the path of His commands, for he has set my heart free!


At 3:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rock on!! keep prayin'!! love you guys, allison at osu


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