Pt. Loma Prayer

Friday, April 21, 2006

Day 4

One of the coolest things about doing this thing is getting to pray with so many different people. It always interesting to see who the Lord brings and it's exciting to know that all these people are part of His master plan. Today Tim lead prayer and we focused on our inadequacy and God's power! We are having different people lead every day so it's really neat to see everyone's heart and different ways of doing things. So this morning I was reading Exodus 33 and it totally fit with the theme for the day. Moses basically tells God "I'm not going anywhere or doing anything without you...I'm not budging unless you are with me." I love this picture of complete dependance on the Lord. I want to have that heart. It also reminds me of Elijah and Elisha, or Ruth and Naomi. Or Jacob wrestling with God and refusing to let go of him. May we cling to the Lord with all of our might...


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