Pt. Loma Prayer

Thursday, April 20, 2006

The prayer of faith

Lately I have noticed that I have been praying with a lot more faith and authority. It's neat because I'll pray things out that the Lord puts on my heart and I have confidence that my prayers are advancing the kingdom of God. I'm learning what it means to walk by faith and not by sight and it's really fun. The other day I was praying for "salvation to spring up" and then on my run a couple days after I saw a sprouted agave plant and was reminded again of the verse. Hmm...I'm new at this whole thing so somehow I got 3 pictures instead of one. Oh well. This is what they look like most of the time. Once every 10-50 years this plant will grow a shoot that can be up to 20 feet tall and will flower and then die. It's crazy because the shoot grows like 2 inches a day so the plant goes from zero to 10 feet in a month or two. It just springs up!
So on my run I saw about 20 of these agaves that had done this and then felt led to command the unsprouted agaves to also "spring up" for the whole rest of my run. haha. It's like speaking to the mountain, or the fig tree, or the dead bones. Fully biblical. And I know that something happened in the spirit because I was commanding agaves to spring up. I thought it was a great salvation intercession. Fun times holy spirit. :)
So anyway, I have full confidence that big stuff is happening in the spiritual realm at Pt. Loma because of these 21 days of prayer and it's exciting. I know that I did not come up with this on my own, but am simply obeying God so something has to be happening. I know that obedience produces fruit so I can rest assured that I am not laboring in vain. Spring up O Well!! Spring up Pt. Loma!! Spring up salvation! Spring up!


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