Pt. Loma Prayer

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Living Water

Yesterday was day 7 and the focus was on purity and specifically the issue of pornography. We had the largest group yet with about 12 or 13 people. Last night I listened to the campus transformation conference call and there were at least 30 other student leaders from schools across the nation. Jaeson Ma spoke about what God is doing at UCLA, some other people talked about the 24 hour prayer movement, and students shared testimonies. One of the main things they were saying was that we need to believe God to move in response to our prayers and believe him for a harvest NOW. It's not enough to have a nice little prayer/worship meeting in the middle of campus and feel like we did our Christian duty for the day. We need to believe that the prayer and worship will lead to an ourpouring of the Spirit, salvation, signs and wonders, and a manifestation of the power and glory of God. Through being in his presence we will be filled with the love and compassion of Christ and go out and be the answer to our own prayers. There are less than 3 weeks left in this school year but I am believing that when the Lord says "gather the people together and I will give them water", that the promise of "water" is for NOW, not for some vague time in the future that we may think in our hearts will never really come. So yeah. The Lord really challenged me through that conference call and I proceeded to pray and believe for a breakthrough in purity that very night because we prayed that afternoon. I prayed believing that students would be set free, that they would come to repentance, that they would confess their sin to one another and be healed, that truth would reign and that Jesus Christ would wash His bride with the Word-and that we would hear the testimonies today. Oh Lord, stir up our faith. Give us vision. Show us our inheritance and give us courage to lay ahold of it!
"Do not be afraid, little flock, for your Father has been pleased to give you the kingdom. "
Luke 12:32


At 10:20 AM, Blogger Jael said...

Hey Dee, I forgot that the prayer thing had started. I can't wait to hear all the amazing thing God does on your campus!!!! Love you.

At 12:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

wow--that's really good what you wrote/learned from the conference call. that challenged me, as i often do the whole 'later-God-will-come' thing.
hence, i will start to expect very great things (!)

love you d,


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