Pt. Loma Prayer

Friday, April 28, 2006

Love and Good Deeds

"And let us consider how we may spur one another toward love and good deeds." Heb. 10: 22

The theme verse for our 24 hour prayer room at the end of January was Hebrews 10:19-25 and the Lord keeps coming back to it. First it was the "let us not give up meeting together" part, and now this part about stiring each other up to action. In the conference call on Monday Jaeson Ma encouraged everyone to make evangelism part of meeting together and praying. He was saying how prayer should result in action because in prayer we are recieving the heart of God, being filled with the Spirit, and then being sent out to bring Jesus to people. The ultimate direction of anything we do has to be for the salvation of all men and for the fulfillment the great commision. One of the things that he suggested was to do prayer evangelism. I had heard how students at Long Beach had done this and how powerful it was to meet people where they were at and really bless them through prayer. The Lord really put this on my heart as something we needed to do at Pt. Loma so that is what we did today! We have been praying for the campus everyday for the last 10 days and I felt like we needed to actually go out and physically pray for real individuals. So about 10 of us worshiped and prayed for the first half hour and then we went out in pairs and asked people if we could pray for them. It was so cool! We came back and shared and then ended up praying some more and you could just feel the sweetness of the love of God. What a great way to spend a friday lunch hour. I am so blessed.


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