Pt. Loma Prayer

Friday, April 28, 2006

Rain down Holy Spirit of God!

I didn't end up making it to prayer yesterday (I got out of class and could not find them!) but Becca wrote a little recap!

Hey, even the RAIN can't stop us! We met in the top floor of Nicholson Commons today, with about 8 people, and lifted up Point Loma in prayers for discernment. There are so many decisions to be made right now: about future plans, about relationships, and then there are always the daily choices that really define who we are. So we prayed for guidance, for the Holy Spirit to convict our hearts and fill us with compassion, so that we will show our neighbors what discipleship looks like! We also prayed for Dr. Pitt's decision to leave Point Loma, and for his future plans. Above all, there was a pervading sense of peace throughout, because although we felt keenly aware of the suffering that is so evident in the world, we had a strong sense that it is in God's hands, and our responsibility is just to love people no matter what! Way to go prayer team!!

Becca Van Donk

While I was searching for these faithful pray-ers I ran into a staff guy who has been joining us lately. He has really encouraged me and he says that the Lord is really moving Him to pray for all of us. It's so powerful to know that we are not in this alone, that many are praying, that this whole thing is bigger than I can even imagine. So as for today, I will stand and see the salvation of My Lord. Something is going down and I am excited to be apart of it. Yeah Jesus!!! Your savior comes Pt. Loma! Lift up a shout of joy!


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