Pt. Loma Prayer

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Really Graduating

The class of 2008 graduates from Pt. Loma in about 10 days, and I feel a strange connection with them.  When I graduated in 2006, I had a feeling in my heart that I was not done doing God's work at Pt. Loma.  The last two years, though finished with school in the natural, I have continued to pray and disciple on campus.  Everyone is always confused, saying "Hey!  I thought you graduated, what are you doing here?"  I would slyly respond, "Oh, you know, just hanging out."  That seemed to satisfy most people.  But in reality, I was stealthily praying for the campus and pouring myself into disciples who would carry on the work of God.  

This last school year, I have had the wonderful opportunity to work for my church doing campus ministry.  As the Pt. Loma campus representative, I have been blessed to give 20 hours a week to building the kingdom of God through prayer, discipleship and connecting students to a local church.  It's been the best job ever!!!  Who would have thought that God would pay me for what I was doing for 5 years for free?  

So as this school year comes to an end, I feel different for the first time in 6 years.  I feel a sense of completion and finishing in my spirit.  I graduated in the natural 2 years ago, but now I am feeling spiritually released from the campus.  The last month or two I've felt like I've had less and less to do there and even the prayer burden has almost gone.  It's a good feeling, a satisfying feeling and an exciting feeling.  So as for now, I am enjoying my last few weeks at the Pt. Loma campus rep. and am delighted that I can "graduate" without having to stress about finals.  It's also good to know that I've done my part in the bigger scheme of what God is doing on that campus and that others will continue to do their part.  I have not seen all the vision and promises fulfilled, but I will leave in faith, knowing others will step into the campus to carry these on.  

What a great live I have!!  It's so exciting to follow Jesus.  I love it.  I love Pt. Loma.  I love praying.  I love God.   I'm free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Signing off,


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