Pt. Loma Prayer

Friday, September 08, 2006

Water causes fruit to grow

I decided to post more on this blog because I have to write about what happens in result to all of our prayer. We did not pray last semester just to feel good about ourselves, or to feel close to God for an hour every day, we prayed so that each of us individually and then Pt. Loma as a whole would be changed and powerfully effected by experiencing God Almighty. We prayed that God's Kingdom might come and His will would be done, on earth as it is in heaven. And Pt. Loma has not yet been transformed into what God has called her to. I remember leaving campus on the last day of school and thinking "Man, we just prayed an hour for the last 25 days of school and it was great...but I feel like there's more. This isn't the end." I was graduating the next day but I knew that this was just the beggining and that my work at Loma was not done yet.

The seeds of prayer this last semester were not in vain, because God is not mocked, we will reap what we sow. The Lord said to me "Gather the people together and I will give them water" (Num 21:16) and I believed that there would be water, that the Holy Spirit would be poured out. Well, this summer I saw the first fruits of this promise being fulfilled. I went to the Campus Transformation Network conference at UCSD in July along with two other Pt. Loma women (Melissa and Taryn) and God moved powerfully. Not only did He give us vision and understanding about what He is doing on campuses in this next season, but he brought healing to our hearts. It says in James 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." One of the most powerful times of the whole weekend was the last night when we drove back to my house after the session and ended up talking, praying and confessing sins until 3:30am. God broke through as we opened up to each other and the healing rain came down! I believe that God was able to move so powerfully at the conference because of the prayer that was done last semester. This is only the firstfruits for Pt. Loma and I will stand and watch the salvation of the Lord. Oh, and another huge answer to prayer. I am graduated so I've been praying for people who would pick up the burden of prayer. Well, Melissa and Taryn have responded to the call of God and are now going to head up a 24 hour prayer room for our campus this year. God has called the college campuses in this nation to a YOPP (year of prayer) and Pt. Loma is going to walk in the will of God and pray like never before!!! Rise up Pt. Loma, rise up! Call upon the name of the Lord! Let the song of the Lord be released! Pray and worship and prophesy day and night!!

....Your Kingdom Come, Your Will be Done...on Earth as it is in Heaven....All praise and honor and glory and power be unto you. Amen.